Our Passion Project: Arid Recovery

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Arid Recovery is an independent not-for-profit organisation, running a 123 km2 wildlife reserve in South Australia’s arid north, 20km north of Roxby Downs.

Their mission is to sustainably restore arid ecosystems and reintroduce threatened species of native wildlife across the Australian outback by researching and monitoring ecological restoration and providing people with info on how to improve management of Australia’s arid lands. Since 2014, our mission is to support this fantastic organisation by sponsoring the threatened wildlife, in hope that our efforts contribute to the repopulation of Australian Native Wildlife.

Recently in June 2021 we adopted a Greater Bilby and a Western Quoll to help fund Arid Recovery’s on going monitoring and research of these vulnerable Native Australian animals.

BILBY’S - Did you know…

Bilbies breed year-round and are pregnant for only 12 - 14 days, then the joeys spend the next 80 days of their lives in their mother’s pouch.

Since their release into the Arid Recovery Reserve in 2000 it is estimated that the Greater Bilbies population has grown to between 800 and 1500. UNSW, in collaboration with Arid Recovery, developed a project to try and improve the Greater Bilby anti-predator responses to cats and foxes. There have been positive results already, with Bilbies being able to survive and breed while living alongside low densities of feral cats in one of Arid Recoveries experimental enclosures.

Greater Bilby

WESTERN QUOLL’S - Did you know…

Western quolls are highly promiscuous and only get together to mate. Females can mate with several males during a breeding season, and males cover a lot of ground!

The Western Quoll currently only occupies 2% of its former range and is now listed nationally as vulnerable. The decline of the western quoll was caused by habitat modification through increased fire frequencies and land clearing. Feral cats and foxes have also contributed to the western quoll’s decline because being carnivorous they are likely to be in direct competition with feral cats and foxes for the same food.

Western Quoll

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